5 Tasks to Put on Your End-of-Year Content Marketing Checklist
You probably have a lot going on with promotions, social media posts, shopping and holiday planning. I’m sure you’re trying to get your content marketing squared away before you log off for the holidays, right? I’m right there with you.
I want to encourage you to keep the momentum of the holiday promotions and sales going by nurturing your audience in the new year.
There are a few things you can do now that will help you next month and in 2022 as you prepare for new product launches, promotions or ideas on ways to better serve your audience.
Here are five things you can do this weekend (or before the end of the year) to audit your content, engage your audience and generate content ideas for the new year.
1. Survey Your Audience:
Send an email to people on your email list to ask them a couple of open-ended questions and to get a pulse check on why they purchased from you or subscribed to your newsletter.
Here are some examples if you’re a product-based or service-based business:
- What problem did our service/product solve for you?
- How well does our product solve your problem?
- What is your favorite feature of our product?
- What motivated you to purchase this product/service?
- Describe how you feel about our product.
➜ A couple of open-ended questions helps you hear what motivated your customer to purchase from you. If you’re a service provider, you can modify the phrasing.
Related: 14 Creative Ways You Can Improve Your Content Research
5 Tasks to Put on Your End-of-Year Content Marketing Checklist Share on X2. Review Your Analytics:
See which content is receiving the most engagement such as saves, comments, shares or likes.
What resonated with your audience and why do you think it performed well? What sparked engagement in your content?
Review your analytics on your website, social media content and online shop/sales. What drove the needle in your business.
➜ Take note of the best-performing content and try to recreate it again or repurpose it or share it again.
Content Calendar Template
Get access to this course and content calendar that helps you maximize your channel distribution and helps you with your content marketing.
3. Review Questions from Your Audience
What are the most frequently asked questions from your audience?
Or if you’re on a call with a client or customer, what are some of the roadblocks or issues they are experiencing that you guide them through?
What are their concerns, reservations or objections about purchasing your product or investing in your services?
How can you address their questions and earn their trust through your content?
➜ Identify topics you can expand on to help address their common questions or objections.
Related: 5 Step Process to Help You Generate Endless Content Ideas
5 Tasks to Put on Your End-of-Year Content Marketing Checklist Share on X4. Promotional Content:
Review your launches, promotions, partnerships, collaborations and announcements. What worked and what didn’t work?
Identify opportunities to maximize your promotional efforts in the new year.
➜ Note: Some key holidays can help generate timely content or launches.
Content Calendar Template
Check out this Airtable Content Calendar template that comes with 10 templates to help you stay strategically focused on your content marketing efforts.
Get access to this course and content calendar that helps you maximize your channel distribution and helps you with your content marketing.
Grab this calendar template! Maximize your channel strategy and marketing efforts using Airtable!
5. Identify Your Goal
Set aside time to clarify your content marketing goal(s). Try to be very specific and identify how you will measure and track your goal(s).
➜ Do you want to drive more traffic to your site, increase email subscribers, boost sales, etc.
Be clear about your goal so your content is intentionally designed to support your goal.
What’s the first thing you will do to help you prepare content for the new year?