Asana 101: How to Maximize Your Projects and Tasks for Success
Do you constantly feel like you’re always starting from scratch?
You have notebooks, post it notes and to-do lists scattered around and you’re never able to finish what you start?
Or perhaps you set a goal, but you have a hard time figuring out what to do next and stay on track?
If this sounds like you, I want to introduce you to Asana.
A project management tool like Asana is an essential tool for solopreneurs and small business owners and it can help you significantly improve your process, productivity and profits.
Keeping track of daily activities and projects that help you reach your goals is an essential step in
Using a project management tool like Asana can help you become less reactive and more proactive with what you’re doing each day.
I created a tutorial where I dive into showing you how to use Asana to become better at managing your projects and tasks. Using a project management system can help you become less reactive with what you do in a day and more proactive and intentional with what you’re accomplishing each day.

If you’re a solopreneur or small business creative, you’re often seeing tips and suggestions on ways you can boost your business’s presence online or how to increase sales. This is all great information, but you need a plan and a project to make this all happen.
A project management system can help you organize your ideas, projects and related tasks all into one place.
Perhaps you’re in a cycle where you get inspired by something you read or picked up on the internet and you add it to your to do list. And this to do list is never ending and you end up feeling scattered all over the place. You ask yourself, “Why am I doing this task again?” or wondering if this is really important.
I’ve been there, inspiration is great, but sometimes we need to organize the inspiration so that it’s actionable.
A project management tool can help you dramatically improve your day. There’s something really positive about having clarity in the actions you’re completing each day and how they’re supporting a project that helps you with a goal.
➜ I want to help you start following through and taking action and executing on your goals.
Check out this video to help you:
- Create a process for how you plan, organize and reach your goals.
- Create workflows and systems for your projects.
- Learn the difference between tasks, projects and goals.
- Avoid common mistakes people make while using any project management system and how you can avoid them.
- Hear my #1 rule and philosophy for how to get things done.
As I said, inspiration is great, but you need to make time to organize the inspiration so that it’s actionable. Also, stop the habit of always looking for others on what to do.
You likely already intuitively know what you need to do and you just need to organize it, plan it/schedule it on your calendar and take action. Sometimes so much outside input just fogs our focus. It’s OK to get clear on what’s most important to you at the moment and start there.